Wednesday, April 25, 2007

OK back again

I got fed up of the Country Living site very quickly - it was terribly clunky to use or to find stuff.

Spring is in full glory here in Brittany. Four new lambs, more eggs than we have a use for (done lots of pickled eggs recently) and lots of flowers going mad.

Here is Bo (peep) new daughter of ('marigolds-for-an-udder') Dolly. I had to hand-milk Dolly that evening to reduce the tension a bit so that Bo could get her mouth round a teat.

This is the clematis 'montana' growing on the rustic arch. Below is a 'before' picture taken in August 2004. Proof that Greg helped to build the arch. The clematis on the arch and the Hangar behind have both come on a treat, and are almost in full flower.

More garden pictures:
The coutryard garden is fulling out, and the metal arches are starting to become covered with greenery. Hugh can be seen in the foreground, taking full advantage of sun-warmed slate to lie on.

This is the 'patio'. Bit of a pretentious name but a smashing place to sit on a warm evening. Below is another 'before' picture of this area, before we put the doors through the back wall of the side-barn.

Finally, for now, a photo of what I thought were going to be species tulips. They have turned out to be sparaxis. Thats what comes from buying cheap bulbs from a market, but pretty.

Oh yes, here is the poster for our concert in June. "Three traditions singing in one single voice". Tickets limited to 150. Bring your friends......


Francis Mickelborough said...

The garden is looking great, I'm really looking forward to seeing it again when I make it back to Europe!

jen mickelborough said...

garden looks great - can't wait to see everything and how it's come along in august!