Tuesday, June 05, 2007

at last, some sunshine 2

Not that we haven't been busy while it has been raining & grey. We have finished the ceiling in the upstairs over the bull barn. The side walls are plasterboarded but not finished-off yet. Now we have to move everything across into this space so that we can lay the remaining upstairs floor.

Downstairs from this pete has EVENTUALLY managed to get the mangers out. It took him two solid days with a road drill and compressor, plus hours of barrowing - altogether a heroic feat. Our neighbour Jean-Jaques who built the mangers said they had to be extra strong to prevent the bad-tempered bull from pulling them to bits. Still, steel reinforced concrete seems a bit much. Here are two photos of the surprisingly large space. John Waterson is coming over tomorrow with his theodolite to help us get the levels marked out for the concrete floor.

Pretty pictures now - a moth I havent managed to identify yet and the first flower of the rose 'veilchenblau' that is slowly covering the left half of the rustic arch.

Finally a sneak-pic of Pete taking five in the garden after lunch - just to prove we do stop occasionally! As you can see the metal loops around the little courtyard garden are gradually getting covered with plants. The foxgloves are looking pretty amazing too...

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