Sunday, September 02, 2012

Its been an interesting weekend (part 3)

No more trips out, or parties today. We have finished clearing out the final corner of the workshop, and today we emptied, moved and defrosted one of the freezers. This will let us get to the next it of wall to be rendered, which is also where the freezers will go once it is all finished.
Took the time to re-start our freezer inventory (last one lost in computer disaster in March). This makes meal planning much easier and less finger-numbing.
 Et voila! next bit of wall rendered, ready to whitewash in a few days time -
 including small window space opened-out and glazed.
 PLUS, rebuilt the top of the wall opposite, which is now ready to be rendered and then whitewashed.
And raspberries for dinner! 
Picked about 700g tonight - we have had an amazing season for raspberries this year, non-stop raspberries from June to the present. There are kilos yet to come, and the autumn ones haven't started ripening yet!

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